2004-02-27 发行

真版女神探偵 VINUS FILE 1/真版女神探偵 VINUS FILE -前編-/Shin Ban Megami Tantei Vinus File - 1

微热女孩 ~?37℃~ 2/微熱っ娘 ♭37℃ THE ANIMATION FEVER.2 「お熱いのはいかが?」/Binetsukko b37C The Animation - 2 - Would You Like Something Hot?

制服处女 1/制服処女 THE ANIMATION Collection.1/Seifuku Shojo The Animation - 1 - Feverish Desire / Over Clock

ONE~光辉的季节~ True Stories 2/ONE~輝く季節へ~ True Stories EPISODE 2/One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e - True Stories - 2

インモラル女校生 DD-089-A

インモラル女校生 DD-089-B